FBRA Planning 03 January 2015



1) Please be advised that there have been no new planning applications lodged for our area this week nor were there any notifications of new premises licence applications or licence variations.


2) Please note that membership fees for 2015 are now due. (£5 per household)  To ease the burden of chasing up fees throughout the year members are requested to make their payments as soon as possible.  There are a number of ways to pay:


a) The best option is to come along to our AGM and pay in person, (2.30 p.m.on 1st February, Falmouth Hotel).............see below)


b) Cheque made payable to Falmouth Bay Residents' Association, or cash, sent or delivered to our Treasurer, Bruce Keer, The Grey Cottage, 49 Pennance Road, Falmouth TR11 4ED. (or hand to any FBRA committee member)


        c)   By bank transfer to:

                                                Sort Code 309857

                                                Account Number 00321914

                                                Reference “Surname , Initial and date”


See also attached  for details of the agm, the agm agenda and membership notice (as two separate jpg files)

Planning Notices
Notice Date: 
Sunday, 4 January, 2015