Notices Archive

Planning Notices

After the special notice issued to members yesterday, 12th June it just so happens that there are no new planning or licence applications for this week. However FBRA has further communicated with the Principle Planning Officer at Cornwall Council in respect of PA14/12058, the Linden Homes original and revised application to point out that not sufficient comment has been made by him to the original commenters that a further and revised application has been made and that the administration of the planning process in this regard is flawed. We await his further response.

Planning Notices

Those of you who take the Falmouth Packet newspaper will also notice the front page headline “HOMES PLAN IS OPPOSED” The article suggests that no objectors were present at the FTC-PC meeting on 8 June which is correct but comment in the Packet has caused some of you to ask what FBRA is doing and why did we not attend this meeting.  Attached  is a copy of FBRA’s letter to The Falmouth Packet which illustrates the amount of work FBRA has been doing behind the scenes and why we are where we are. It is attached in .jpg and .pdf formats.

Planning Notices

Planning applications for this week are as the attached pdf.  Members are reminded that Falmouth Town Council Planning Committee meets on Monday 8th June to review the planning application PA15/03934 in respect of the further application for planning approval for 6 dwellings on the seaward side of the pool. This further encroachment on essentially virgin land makes the Neighbourhood Plan even more vital. Members who are concerned about this development should make their views known by making comment on the website.


Planning Notices

There are two applications this week and no licencing applications. Please see the attached pdf.

Planning Notices

There were no new planning applications but two licence applications. See the attached pdf.

There were no new planning or licence applications this week.

Planning Notices

Planning updates for the week ending 18 April 2015 are attached as a pdf.

Planning Notices


The current planning application information is attached as a pdf.


Below is a note on the Neighbourhood Plan for Falmouth which needs your attention please.



Planning Notices

Reference Applicant Address Proposal Officer Closing date
for comments
PA15/02872 Cornwall Council Marlborough School, Ferndale Road Installation of fall protection system on flat roof around plant. Jacquie Byatt 23rd April, 2015

Planning Notices

There are no planning or licence variations this week.

Planning Notices

Planning notices for the week ending 21 March 2015 are attached in pdf format.

Planning Notices

Planning applications for the week ending 14th March 2015 are as per the attached pdf.

Executive Committee Meetings

The next scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) is to be held on the 19th March,  2015 at 7 Boscawen Road, from 18:30.



Planning Notices



Week ending 21/02/2015








Closing date

for comments


Ms Diana Moore

Braeside, Swanpool

Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of new 2 bedroom replacement dwelling, complete with parking and associated site works

Sophie Rogers

13th March, 2015


Mrs Alison Homes

Trefillan, Swanpool

Revised design for a smaller dwelling on the same site approved under application PA14/01162

Diane Boardman

10th March, 2015


For further information go to, online planning register, Or visit Cornwall Council one-stop shop in Church Street. Ask for the plans to be sent from Truro if not available. Make representations to the Planning Officer cited above at Planning Department, Cornwall Council, Carrick House, Pydar Street, Truro, TR1 1EB, or complete the on-line

comment form.



Licence application


Premises Name and Address


Application Accepted

Application Type

Licensable Activities


Representations Deadline

Case Officer

Palacio Lounge, The Moor, Falmouth, TR11 3AQ 

Loungers Limited 



Late Night Refreshment/ Alcohol



Emma Kesen, Camborne - (01209) 614013 


Planning Notices

Planning applications for the week ending 14 February are attached. There are no license applications notified.


Tony Hallam

FBRA Secretary

Planning Notices

The attached pdf references the further planning objection by FBRA for PA14/12058, the Linden Homes development plan.

Executive Committee Meetings

The next scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) is to be held on the 19th February 2015 at 23 Tredova Crescent from 18:30.


